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Why are the texts written still in the English but in the picture the texts are Russian?

Khindly! (One!) Zoor!(Two!)Cringhly!(Three!)Sakoon dedya!(Four!)Raat!(Five)Sixue!(Six!)Bhoshta!(Seven!)Khanja!(Eight!)Panja!(Nine!)Cringhla!(Ten!)Wow!!Charanga borist!Ikaumare haja nimha!Boshte hinma….

YAARMO CHIPSE! Aah,hara! Kichurmainu mara to kithar chipse!Then morsile kaka…. khamach?Kharau.

Why is does this one cost more MB than the other one?


(1 edit)

Did you get our request? We wanted our mod android too.

If so thanks for the requests ;)